Jumaat, 22 Ogos 2008

my name secret..

What Hidayat Means
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.
You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

Khamis, 21 Ogos 2008

!~BiCaRa sEBuAh dIaM~!


Kubicarakan sebuah diam,
Buat menutur bait kesepian,
Melontarkan rasa kerinduan,
Agar nanti kelak kuketiadaan,
Akan dikenang sebaris alam.

Kubicarakan sebuah diam,
Tika semua hati keberatan,
Tika esok menjadi keluhan,
Meninggalkan syurga halaman,
Untuk berangkat ke desa ilmuwan.

Di sana,
Tiada lagi blog luahan,
Tiada lagi friendster sebagai teman,
TiAda lagi telefon di tangan,
Tidak ada longgokan makanan,
Bonda dan ayahanda,
Serta adik-beradik di tepian.

Namun kalian,
Di sana nanti kita ada teman,
Untuk dihantar ucapan komen,
Untuk dipesan mesej kiriman,
Ibu dan bapa kedua kalian,
Buat dipinta nasihat pedoman.

Ayuh rakan-rakan seperjuangan,
Bicarakan sebuah diam ini,
Tika masing-masing akan pulang,
Meninggalkan sekalian keindahan.
Untuk menangguk secebis harapan.

Teratak Badai, dUNGUN. 23 0GOS 2008

DoN't QuIt ~my fav poem..

DoN't QuIt ~my fav poem..

When things go wrong,
as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,Rest,
if you must

but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

A pIecE oF ~ My HeArT ~

A Piece Of My Heart

I give you a piece of my heart

To remind you I'm here for you

-No matter if we are far apart,

Our friendship will always be true.

I give you a piece of my soul,

A part of me reserved for you..

.Hold it dearly and don't let it go,

No matter what you do!

Whether it's a bright and happy day

Or you're troubled and struggling to smile...

Remember the special piece of my heart

That reaches you across the miles!

I dedicated this simple poem to my frenz espicially someone yg sgt2 important to me..

hope with this poem,orang tu akan rase yg me need orang tu..

no more poem maybe..dun hav any idea rite now..

Isnin, 18 Ogos 2008

A uNiQuE fRIeNdShIp ~ a memo!r of a true frenship

A uNiQuE fRIeNdShIp ~ a memo!r of a true frenship

We will be forever a friend no matter what happen
because our friendship is true and unique.

One message receive : hye there !!
Reply : Salam. Saper ni??
Message received : x taw. Tetiba je no fon awk ade lam fon sy.
Reply : Ha?? sape ni??
Message received : u dunno me. I’m juz thinking 2 b ur frenz..
Reply : Huh,I dunno u.. how can b frenz with stranger like u..
Message received : K fine,bye..daa. sori disturbing…
Reply : hey, wait..

It was the beginning of our friendship story. To know her is something weird for me at da first time. But in the name of friendship, I like to be friends with her.

Persahabatan ini tidak termaktub dalam ape2 jenis persahabatan barangkali. Persahatan yang tak mengenal sahabat itu sendiri. pertama kali dia memperkenalkan diri sebagai Elya Eszela,nama yang kurasakan asing di Malaysia ini . Namun entah mengapa kumenerima nama itu, tanpa sebarang curiga.

Persahabatan ini terus tumbuh mekar,bercambah di atas nama persahatan yang unik kerana kami saling tidak mengenali. Namun nama SBP telah menyatukan kami. Aku senangkali bercerita tentang hostelku kepadanya. Bumi Farisian dan buminya di utara sana cukup jauh terpisah dengan banjaran titiwangsa. Betul ke fakta geografi aku ni?haha,pape jelah. Masih kuingat lagi sms2 yang aku forwardkan kpdnya. Selain msg persahabatan,ku4wardkan juga msg2 dakwah buat menjadi pedoman sekadar perkongsian sesama teman-temanku.

Elya yang kukenali amat lemah lembut, sopan dan ceria. Tapi kadang-kadang cukup lemah untuk menerima sesuatu dugaan. Seringkali aku memerli dia dengan kesihatan dirinya yang sudah tersedia lemah. ( moga2 dia tak pernah amik kisah tentang ni )
Persahabatan ini berterusan hingga aku di tingkatan 4,suatu titik tolak kepada dimensi baru persahabatan kami. Hendak dijadikan cerita,aku juga ada seorang kawan yang nama glamernye Zaimawi,berkepala boatak mirip2 Mawi. Zaibo amat meminati gadis2 Cina,
Yang dikatakannya kiut. Mungkin dia terpengaruh dengan cerita2 korea tontonannya kot.
Sebagai teman rapat kepadanya, virus ini turut berjangkit kepadaku.Parah….

Hari itu aku memberitahu Elya bahawa kami akan ke sekolahnya dalam rangka lawatan sambil belajar kami. Sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab membuat kertas kerja lawatan, aku memilih untuk menginap di sekolahnya. Sekurang2nay aku dapat bertemu rakan mayaku ini. Hari itu juga Elya membuat satu kejutan kepadaku.

Pagi itu aku terima sms dari dia..

Message received : Hye yat..MoNIm..I got sometim 2 tell u..
Reply : hm,ok ..juz tell me..
Message received : klau sy ckp awk janji tak marah k??
Reply : haha,ok.surela x marah.juz tel me..
Message received : hm,ok. tP terpulang la pd awk nak marah sy ke ape ke..
Yang penting saya nak bgtau perkara sebenar..
Act,my real name not elya. My name is Fu Ze Yue.
I’m a Chinese,not a malay like u think b4..
It’s up 2 u nak accept me as fren lg x after diz.
I know I wrong..Sory 4 lie on u..n Thanx 4 da
lovly frenship memory..k bye..
Reply : What???huh,wat a truth to know..
But never mind..i’m not angry wif dat..Hepi ader r..huhu..
Now wat should I cal u??

Starting from dat moment, I can’t contact her anymore.. but luckily when I get to her school she contact me..

Aderlah discussion between us dgn dak2 skul dia..Sepanjang kat skul dia masa tu, ader la sorang minah ni datang tegur aku ,mase tu dorang ader jamuan kot. So, she accept the challenge from her friends..Never mind,she’s not important in my story. Masa tu,yang aku tanye hanyalah sama ada dia kenal ataupun tak kawan aku yang unik tu..Syukur, dia memang kat situ tapi malangnya kami tak sempat nak jumpa.
Hendak dijadikan cerita lagi, hari terakhir kat sana aku cuba mencari kawanku yang sorang ni. Masa tu,dia tengah practice band..al-maklumlah dah sekolah dia memang fames dengan band nyer..

I got into the band room and I saw a girl playing clarinet..So interesting..but somehow I cannot see her for a long time when she disappear. In my mind,I tought dat maybe she tried to escape from me..fine,I don’t want to burden her..i leaved taiping with a regret,
Because having no conversation with my unique friends..

Da friendship continued till our fifth year at school.

She being vice president for her band team. Yeah, there’s no one can denied her talent n passion in music. Otherwise, i’m being nobody at my non famous school. Time goes by and our relationship grow fonder since then.

Hari kemuncak kepada persahabatan kami ialah ketika aku menerima sebuah bungkusan hadiah yang dikirim oleh seseorang.Malangnya pembalut hadiah itu telah dibuka oleh warden yang memeriksa bungkusan tersebut. Nasib baik warkah di dalamnya belum terusik.

Buat kali pertama dalam hidupku aku menerima sebuah bear dan sehelai t-shirt yang cukup untuk membuatkan aku tersenyum keseorangan sepanjang prep petang itu.

Together with the present was a lovely bookmark dat I put under my table for me to see it whenever I lost my motivation..I promised to myself dat I will keep the present forever and ever. The bear accompany me in my messy locker.huhu.. poor the bear..

Hanya ini sahaja sebagai nukilan buat persahabatan unik ini kerana aku tidak mahu ‘mematikan cerita ini kerana aku juga tidak mahu menurunkan titik nokhtah kepadanya,

seMEnTaRa kElAs bErMuLa


Andainya waktu setajam pedang
Mengajar kita erti ketepatan masa
Saling pintas memintas
Biarkan saja kurang sopannya
Memintas perbualan kita
Lalu berangkat ke daerah lain
Jauh tersasar dari sukatan pelajaranmu

Disini kita bisa memilih
Makna budi bahasa
Dalam menilai sahsiah diri
Tapi jangan biarkan
Ukiran sejarah lalu
Menghakis harga diri
Hanyut di arus materialisme

Sesekali kita perlu
Mencari dan menilai makna diri
Sementara kelas bermula
Mudah-mudahan ada jati diri
Buat menjadi kayu ukur
Sebuah peradaban
Dan ukirlah harum namamu
Di persada bangsa


My FaV SoNg..

~StAy tHe SaMe~
Don't you ever wish
You were someone else
You were meant to be
The way you are exactly
Don't you ever say
You don't like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself
You're better off by far
And I hope you always stay the same
'Cause theres nothing
'bout you I would change
I think that you could be
Whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize
All the dreams you have inside
Don't be afraid
If you've got something to say
Just open up your heart
And let it show you the way
Don't you ever wish
You were someone else
You were meant to be
The way you are exactly
Don't you ever say
You don't like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself
You're better off by far
And I hope you always stay the same
'Cause theres nothing 'bout you I would change
Believe in yourself
Reach down inside
The love you find will set you free
Believe in yourself
You will come alive
Have faith in what you do
You'll make it through
i DedICATeD diz song to al my fwen esp sze yuen..
diz song is special becoz of somehing..
surely it giv me strengh n a memory beside it..

CERPEN : MeMoRi bAs reLaY mSsM

ni cerpen berdasarkan kisah sebenar yg terjadi pd diri ini..click kat picture utk baca..trimas..

Ahad, 17 Ogos 2008



Betapa dinginnya terasa
Titisan air matamu
Yang tertitis ke pipiku
Tika membelai aku yang terlantar

Hangatnya terasa
Terasa dirimu semkin mendekat
Tika kita berjauhan
Sesekali ku mengenangmu

Manisnya rindu
Tika menyambut pulangku
Sesekali bersua
Tika kuliah ketiadaanku

Sebuah puisi ini
Belum tentu memadai
Buat merakam tinta terima kasih
Membalas kasih rindumu

Akan selamanya terbawa
seuntai kasihmu kemana-mana
bagai tangkal semangat
mengisi kembara ini

Engkaulah lilin
Enmgkaulah penawar
Engkau cahaya
Penerang gelita
Engkaulah segalanya.

16 Ogos 2008, Pasir Mas.Kelantan


Gerimis hujan dinihari
Membasah rinduku
Mengurung cintaku
Di sempit kamar ini

Di luar jendela
Angain sepoi menurai rambut
Mengusap kenangan
Mengimbau ke masa lalu

Langit petang yang terbuka
Rela membaringkan resahku
Menyindiri di kamar ini
Terasa terlalu penat dan asing
Seharian mengulit duka

Seorang aku dalam rimas
Meniti kerikil berduri
Tanpa siapa-siapa
Menilai makna diri

11 OGOS 2008 Faris Petra, Kelantan

p/s ini puisi baru saya.Masih mentah dalam bidang penulisan.
sebarang komen amat dihargai

Jumaat, 15 Ogos 2008

perjuangan pingat negara

semalam menyaksikan aksi lee chong wei yang menghidupkan harapan malaysia..semoga berjaya!!

Sabtu, 9 Ogos 2008

DoN't QuIt ~my fav poem..

When things go wrong,
as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you
must not quit.

a motivation ~ believe in urself!!~

HoW tO MaKe UrSeLf BeLiEvE In yOu..

Choose a mantra or motto that you can repeat to yourself every day. Try something like,
"Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie" by Shakespeare.

Learn that your opinion is the only one that matters. Put aside the petty thoughts and opinions of others. In your life, you are the only one who has to wake up to your reality and yourself every day.

Speak up for your opinions at school or at home. When you break out of a submissive role in your interactions with others, you will begin to build confidence in your own voice and judgment.

Try anything, even if you have a voice in the back your mind telling you that it isn't possible. Even the smallest triumphs can build up a sense of self, and can help you believe in yourself the next time you are faced with a challenge or goal.

Talk yourself out of self-defeating behavior. When you begin to tell yourself that you can't accomplish a certain goal in life, you are letting yourself fail before you even try. Begin by reversing your self speech that brings you down, and tell yourself the opposite.

Surround yourself with people you admire. You can more easily believe in yourself when you are with people who have goals and work to achieve them. Walk up to someone you admire for going back to school and holding down and job, and ask them how they managed it. This can open up the way to friendship and ideas about how you can accomplish your goals.