Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

something to ease my pain.=)

Young Soldier
Stay calm soldier
Do not panic
Stay calm soldier
And think of what you were taught
You're too young to die
My soldier
You're too young to leave
Run soldier
From the danger ahead
Run soldier
Don't be brave
You're too young to die
My soldier
You're too young to leave
Fight soldier
The enemy that fights you
Fight soldier
And make it though the day
You're too young to die
My soldier
You're too young to leave
Come home soldier
I miss you terribly
Come home soldier
To me and your family
You're too young to die
My soldier
Don't ever leave me

A poem of spirit.WE ARE SOLDIER!

here are some. which i found burning my spirit.
and also being the song of my soul.

The Soldier Prayer
Lord, I ask for courage.
Courage to face and
Conquer my own fears...
Courage to take me where
Others will not go.
I ask for strength...
Strength of body to protect others...
Strength of spirit to lead others.
I ask for dedication...
Dedication to my job, to do it well...
Dedication to my country,
To keep it safe.
Give me, Lord, concern...
For those who trust me
And compassion for those
Who need me, and Please Lord...
Through it all be at my side.


IIt was a long time since my last post.
My new life in a place that we called as batallion need me
to be so punctual and left things like this behind.
KASTURI,here a i come!

Hari yang sgt memenatkan.Seawal jam 4.30pg dah bgn
nak amik senjata untuk merempuh halangan.
malam sebelumnya extra NIght Physical Training resulting on our
own fault.Hanya sempat merehatkan badan dan melelapkan mata selama sejam.
petangnya kelas senjata.Dan sekarang,selang masa sebelum baris untuk Solat Maghrib dan Qiamullai pada malamnya.

Agak kebingungan kerana handset dirampas.
Kesalahan diri kerana membawa henset ke kelas dan terkntoi tika di check officcer.
Entahlah, kenapa hidup ini tak banyak berubah dari semenjak di SBP dahulu.UPNM disiplinnya tak jauh bezanya ketika di sekolah dulu.Bedzanya,ia lebih ketat dan mereka2 sgt patuh kepadanya.

Mula menyesuaikan diri di batalion.
And start to feel proud as a KASTURIAN.
our pride lead us all the way.
Alarm sudah berbunyi.tandanya kuterpaksa pergi lagi.

Salam dari Si kiambang.