Selasa, 23 Disember 2008

InI sToRy v dELta...


I’ve once became a DELTARIAN when I’m in form 5.. there’s so many sweet and sour things also there, in a group of ‘gifted’ friends there.Our KP, or also known as our Principal, Alias.. he’s a good hurdler, an emerging athlete. Also my athletic mate .We felt comfortable with him.. in spite of him stone head and happy go lucky attitude. His famous words is “ aku punya suka ar nak uatpe”,huhu.. Let him be.. with his assistant Shikin, a.k.a Mek Kin. She is the gurl sitting behind me.. She is soo patient, In handling us, or more specific handling me.. huhu. I wonder how many times I disturb her.

Ok, let’s talk about our class session. In the early of the year, we reaalyy ‘enjoy’ our Math class with madam Aminah. There’s a few her anak emas in our class.. including me I guess..( in opposite lar..) it was always an adrenaline rush for every single class of ours. I still remember the class when we got our title on that day. I got a sweet ‘stupid’ title on that day.. haha.. never mind, at least I got something as a lesson. It was about my overconfident when I take a risk, answering a basic earth as sphere wrongly. And at least, I only manage to got STUPID title, unlike marwan who got a ‘BENGONG’ title..haha..Together with me is Izzat, my desk mate . And also farahin.. don’t deny this k!! huhu.But at the end of the year, I changed ok!! I know why madam aminah seems like so angry with me.. everything I did, even a small mistake, will be punished.. it was once only me myself got right answer for a probability question. Maybe only after that she likes me!!And during a dinner, I fetch a glass of water to win her heart for sure larh!!

Ok now let’s talk about our experiment.. the incident when we conduct our biology experiment still green in my mind. It was a urination experiment. Cikgu Ghazi ask us to drink an amount of water.. we take the biggest challenge. We drank 700ml of water..And I became the first person to finish my drink. But suddenly, mr ghazi ask us about the water which we drank. Surprisingly, I drank a bottle of DISTILLED water . huh, what a luck!!! According to our learning, a red blood cell will crenate and haemolyse..So, teorically my blood will go through the same thing right?? Fortunately,nothing bad happened.Another class was class with Ustaz Ibrahim a.k.a Pok Him. He is a graduate from al-Azhar and also the pak imam for our school. It was a good sleep when we sleep in his class, full of barakah with his tarannum ala crying person style, reciting furqan.Ustaz Him is a sporting ustaz and well known with his green Evo car..haha..We enjoy our nikah kahwin lesson, and also hajj with till the end of our lesson we still don’t understand about the ‘dam’, rukun haji n so on..

Next is our physical education class. It was a class where we have to wait once a week, quite a long wait.. but our patience will be paid have if we have a beautiful football at that time. Or maybe an amateur tennis tournament between cha federer against lanau roger.. some prefer to play badminton as our class have the greatest Malaysian badminton player, Roy ChOng Wei. And we will make a crowd at bilik Cikgu Ruziah,Weighing our weight and so on. The fat want to be thin, and the thinner want to be fat. This is the rule of our life. And merely all of us follow this habit..

And our class with Hj Din, always about patriotism in addmath maybe..Social illness among teenagers, gangsters, racism, and so far so on..Realize it or not, he taught us to be a true Malaysian, with full of patriotism..As he is the Senior assistant for our school, we always escape from any punishment when we being late for prep class, outing, and so on.. Let the student from other class jealous with us bcoz we have the greatest teacher in this school..And also our great new principal, Mr Kamaruddin Jaafar or well known as MR Kay Jay.. Ever wondered Arnold Schwezenajor in Malay version.. Yes he is!!!!When he wear his black leather coat, he is totally the same with James Bond,,He once teach us chemistry, but unfortunately..Even though he is a Cikgu pakar kimia, we don’t understand what he taught about.

Another superb teacher for us is mr feen.. With his white hair, he is still charming, haha..But we love the wy he taught by traditional way, in term of his analogy and his way thinking. Here is one of his story..“ There was a loving couple who really in love. In time of they fall in love, everything seemed like happy things and they always in one word, one heart and one soul in everything they do. One day, they went to a restaurant called restaurant Tebeng Samah.( tea o 50 cent) . the women looked at a roasted chicken and ask her boyfriend,“ My dear ,what is the hanging object over there??’. The boyfriend answered softly,“ It is a roasted chicken la my dear, R.O.A.S.T.E.D C.H.I.C.K.E.N..” The girlfren satisfied and said.” Ohh, I see.. “. 15 years later, they come again at the restaurant.And this time, remembering their reminiscent, the woman ask her husband the same question. But this time, she was really frustrated and surprised with the answer..Can u guess what is her husband answered?? The husband said..” Lorh, u are clever or stupid ha?? Hm, it is a roasted Buffalo la my dear!!! Don’t you see its torn???”The men left his wife with a shocked face..huhu.. what a story. And I don’t know the relation with our physic subject.Hm.. what a long story.. whatever it is, it will be something that I will remember for the rest of my life.. till the next post, maybe I write something bout my classmate..Wait for it. Daa…

Ahad, 21 Disember 2008

Paras dan rupa . .

kita seringkali menilai sesuatu dngan paras rupa..namun ad yang lebih baik daripada zahirnya itu..ikuti cerita ini buat teladan ita semua tentang seorang pemuda yang ikhlas..

Pada zaman dahulu, ada seorang jejaka yang sangat suka membaca dan selalu menghabiskan masanya di perpustakaan pada waktu lapang. Dia amat suka membaca novel dan buku cerita. Pada suatu hari, dia telah terjumpa sebuah novel yang ada tertulis pada kulit novel itu nama dan alamat seorang gadis di salah satu muka suratnya. Tertulis disitu “Catrina, ikhlas dan perlukan sahabat “.Tergerak hati jejaka untuk mengutus surat kepada si gadis misteri itu. Setelah pulang ke rumah, jejaka itu menulis surat untuk memberitahu niat ingin berkawan dengan gadis itu. Beberapa hari kemudian si jejaka mendapat balasan daripada gadis tersebut bahawa dia juga bersetuju untuk berkawan dengan si jejaka.Hari betukar minggu dan minggu bertukar bulan. Persahabatan mula bertukar kepada perasaan sayang. Namun begitu mereka masih belum pernah bersua muka....

Si jejaka ingin sekali bertemu si gadis misteri dan begitu juga dengan si gadis. Walaupun kedua-keduanya masih belummelihat rupa masing-masing, tapi perasaan sayang tetap berbuku di hati.Pada suatu hari, si jejaka dipanggil oleh bala tentera untuk pergi ke medan perang. Si jejaka merasa amat susah hati kerana dia bimbang sekiranya dia mungkin tidak dapat berjumpa dengan si gadis kesayangannya. Maka diutuskannya sepucuk surat berbunyi "kalau Tuhan panjangkan jodoh kita, dan kamu masih sayang padaku, kita berjumpalah di stesen keretapi pada hari perang diumumkan tamat nanti. Aku akan memakai pakaian tenteraku dan membawa sekuntum mawar berwarna merah. Aku akan mengenali kamu sekiranya kamu juga memegang sekuntum bunga mawar merah. Setelah itu izinkanlah aku membawamu untuk makan malam dan bertemu orang tuaku”.Maka pergi lah jejaka ke medan perang dengan tenang setelah mengutuskan surat itu…

Beberapa bulan kemudian…Pada hari pengumuman perang tamat, si jejaka pergi ke stesenkeretapi yang dijanjikan sambil memegang sekuntum bunga mawar merah di tangannya. Diperhatikannya seorang demi seorang gadis yang berada di stesen keretapi itu sekiranya ada yang turut memegang bunga mawar merah sepertinya.Tiba-tiba, si jejaka ternampak seorang gadis yang agak berisi, sedikit hitam dan berjerawat mukanya duduk di kerusi roda sambil melihat sekeliling seolah mencari seseorang. Kakinya kudung dan tangannya cacat sebelah. Sebelah lagi tangannya memegang sekuntum bunga mawar berwarna merah. Si jejaka sangat terkejut melihat keadaan fizikal dan wajah gadis pujaannya selama ini amat berbeza dari imaginasinya, namun dia memberanikan diri menghampiri gadis tersebut."Catrina?" Gadis itu melihat ke arah si jejaka dan tersenyum ceria. Si jejaka terus menghulurkan bunga mawar kepada si gadis dan berkata, "aku amat merinduimu.

Terimalah bunga ini dan pelawaanku untuk makan malam bersama kedua ibu bapaku. Orang tuaku tidak sabar-sabar lagi untuk bertemu denganmu” kata jejaka itu. Si gadis itu tersenyum lagi dan berkata, "aku tidak tahu apa yang terjadi. Tetapi ada seorang gadis cantik jelita memberikan bunga ini kepadaku sebentar tadi. Dia memintaku memberitahu kamu bahawa dia sedang menunggu kamu di restoran di hadapan stesen ini sekiranya kamu mempelawaku makan malam dan bertemu orang tuamu”.P/s:Berapa ramaikah manusia yang sesuci hati jejaka ini? Dia melihat kepada hati dan bukan kepada rupa. Dia telah mengotakan janjinya dan tetap berpegang kepada perasaan sayang walaupun pada mulanya dia menjangkakan gadis cacat itu adalah Catrina. Masihkah lagi wujud lelaki seikhlas dan seluhur hati pemuda itu?

Hari ini seseorang memberi pengajaran padaku.
ku bertanya pada paras seseorang. jawabnya kacak atau tidak tidak penting..asalkan hatinya baik..
dan hal yang samalh kukatakan pdanya..cantik atau tidak itu tak penting. asalkan hatinya baik dan suci..
sekada kisah untuk renungan bersama

Rabu, 17 Disember 2008

my teacher story........

k,this is from my teacher's blog.. about her student who sent her a raya card!!

That sweet raya card.... Current mood: blessed Category: Life

Today is the last day of school before we are off for the raye holiday. Everybody is in the mood of a celebration. So unlucky for me...coz i was down with a bad migraine since yesterday. Tried not to take the pills...but, at last I surrendered. Huh, it was so painful....even thought that my eyeballs are going to fall out.

There was a raya greeting card on my desk. I wasn't at my place, then. From the neat handwriting, I thought I knew who sent it. And I got it right!! It was not about the card, but it was about what was written in the card... I guess it has become a common thing to call your teacher as 'CHER', in my case, it's CHER LIN...@ CHER NAZLIN. First, I found it as quite irritating. But, then I think it's quite cute....n sweet. So, let them... Well, I'm quite close with my students especially for those who are in Form Five. For me, they are more or less like a brother or a sister... Ok, back to that particular raya card. It was not only a greeting card for was like a praise from a loving soul to another. I couldn't stop my tears....(Oh, no.....I know, don't tell me...I have extra tears...)

The sender is a good looking boy from my class, 5 Delta. He is every girl's dream...with that kind of look. But, surprisingly....(and thank God...) he is not the type who'd always want to try their luck. He has his ups and downs...and during his downs (betul ke ni....?), I tried to play my role as a kind and understanding CHER... I always love poems..(eventhough I never write one....but, I always express my feelings and thoughts through poems....of others, of course!)... It so happened that I gave him some poems....especially when the world is not on his side. Actually, he rarely speaks to me in class or out of class. But, I guess....hearts speak louder. And so, today....upon receiving and reading the card that he gave me, brought me to my tears....

"Tak lengkap rasanyer raya ni kalau takder ucapan kat my lovely and caring teacher. First of all, thanks a lot for every single word n poems u gave me. For me, it was so meaningful. Even your short handwriting is enough to inspire me for every second here. Thanks teacher, for being a friend to a class of super 'kerenah' students, a sister to a siblings of stubborn bro. Afterall, we are proud of you teacher! You are the best, prettiest (huhu....thank u, dear), most sporting teacher we ever met!

I asked Allah for a flower,

He gives me a garden.

I asked Allah for a day,

He gives me a year.

I asked Allah for water,

He gives me the ocean.

I asked Allah for a teacher,

He gives me YOU...

All the words put a smile on my lip....and bring tears to my eyes...It's a cry of joy. I guess, this is the beauty of being a teacher... To my dear W]an Nurhidayat Wan Muhammad...I wish you all the best in your future undertakings. Keep on writing, have the talent. And thanks, you make my day!